
How To Clean Seiryu Stone

Kaido (Original)-Enhanced.png

" Dammit! Hurry up, Joker! Make preparations for the final battle! I don't care if this boring world is destroyed! Let's start the greatest war the world has ever seen!
~ Kaido

Dragon Kaido.png

" People often say "If it's one-on-one, Kaido will win." On land, sea, and air... among all living things, he is a pirate who is known as the "strongest creature"!!!
~ Ending narration of Kaido's introduction

Hybrid Form Kaido.jpeg

" What a shame. If you'd come with me, we could have conquered the world.
~ Kaido to the Supernova


Kaido, also known as the Strongest Creature in the World, is the Governor-General of the Beast Pirates and one of the Four Emperors ruling over the second half of the Grand Line, known as the New World.

From his base on Onigashima Kaido commands a massive, 20,000 strong crew filled with both regular soldiers and SMILE Devil Fruit users, along with further support from Wano's samurai. Having been in a partnership with Kurozumi Orochi for over 20 years, he struck the shogun and the partnership in the wake of revealing his New Onigashima Project.

Kaido is also a former member of the legendary pirate crew known as the Rocks Pirates, which ruled the seas until their defeat 38 years ago, and would give rise to some of the most powerful and influential pirates in all the seas. On the day of the crew's fall, Kaido was given his Devil Fruit, the Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu by fellow Rocks member and future Emperor Big Mom.

Kaido is infamous for his immense durability and sheer inability to die, a fact that has made him attempt suicide as a hobby. The state of the world and his own near invulnerability have made him quite bored, and he seeks to start the greatest war in history to remedy it. He is bold to the point of even wanting to intercept his fellow Emperor Whitebeard in the later's bid to save Ace from Marineford. The only people to have given him permanent scars are the immensely powerful swordsmen Kozuki Oden and Roronoa Zoro.

He is the father of Yamato, and is currently in an alliance with Big Mom due to their shared goal of conquering the world.

Due to his actions and role, he is the primary antagonist of the Wano Country Arc, and one of the central antagonist of the Four Emperors Saga.

His bounty sits at 4,611,100,000 Berries, the highest for any living individual and third highest known in history.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 6-B

Name: Kaido, "Kaido of the Beasts", "King of the Beasts", "Strongest Creature in the World", "Wise King"

Origin: One Piece

Gender: Male

Age: 59

Classification: Oni, Leader of the Beast Pirates, Yonko, Mythological Zoan Fruit User, former Rocks Pirate crew member

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 0; 7.1m normally. Type 2 as a dragon), At least Rudimentary Observation, Advanced Armament and Conqueror's Haki User, Expert Kanabō Wielder, Transformation and Natural Weaponry (Into a full serpentine Azure Dragon and a human-dragon hybrid), Flight, Weather Manipulation, and Telekinesis (As a dragon, Kaido is capable of moving through the air by creating special clouds called "Flame Clouds" and using them as footholds. These clouds can also be used to lift other objects, they are even capable of lifting an entire island out of the sea), Enhanced Senses (Zoan users gain the senses of their respective animals), Breath Attack, Fire Manipulation (Can release devastating blasts of fire from his mouth), Electricity Manipulation (Can release bolts of lightning by roaring), Air Manipulation (Can produces invisible, sharp wind blades by blowing on top of stirring up strong, fast-rotating tornados), Limited Danmaku via Tatsumaki and Kaifu (Those caught in his Tatsumaki are cut by dozens of ranged slashes composed in a constant swirling tornado, his Tatsumaki Kaifu releases several sharp wind blades in all directions), Regeneration (Mid-Low), Resistance to Radiation Manipulation (Could take a Gamma Knife inside his body), Fire and Heat (Unaffected by the fire surrounding his body), Animal Manipulation (Zoans are immune to Tama's Kibi Dangos)

Attack Potency: Country level (Fought and matched Big Mom. Capable of defeating Luffy in Gear 4 with a single blow. Comparable to the other Yonko, such as Shanks. Was stated to be one of the few people who can stop Blackbeard)

Speed: FTL (Stated to be too fast by a Luffy who was using Kenbunshoku Haki, when a weaker Luffy who was also using Kenbunshoku Haki considered Light Speed to be slow)

Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Comparable to Big Mom), higher with Full Beast, even higher with Hybrid Form, Class P with Flame Clouds

Striking Strength: Country Class (Comparable to the other Yonko, such as Whitebeard, Shanks, and Big Mom)

Durability: Country level (Took hits from Big Mom. Tanked his own Boro Breath. Has survived capture and attempted execution by Marines, enemy pirates, and even other Yonkō several times. Fell 10,000 meters and only received a mild headache. Was pummeled by Luffy's strongest Gear 3 and Gear 4 attacks but was left completely unscathed)

Stamina: Very high via power-scaling, characters weaker than him have fought for several days straight

Range: Several meters with kanabo in humanoid form (due to its size). Hundreds of meters physically in the Dragon form. Kilometers with fire breath. A few kilometers with weather control

Standard Equipment:

  • Hassaikai (八斎戒, meaning "Eight Precepts"): His signature weapon a large, spiked, metal kanabō, which he uses as the catalyst for all his melee attacks. While it does not have a rank, if Kaido choose to leave the weapon behind it would be called a "legend".

Intelligence: Likely Above Average. He should be quite intelligent as a Yonko, as he has large territories to manage and has to take care of his massive crew

Weaknesses: Standard Devil Fruit users weaknesses. Easily gets angry over petty reasons. An occasionally suicidal drunkard.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Haki: There are normally two types of Haki regular people can tap into: the Kenbunshoku Haki which allows individuals to sense the presence of others, and Busōshoku Haki which allows individuals to create an invisible armor around them. There is however a third type of Haki, Haōshoku Haki, that only a few individuals can use. Kaido is one of these people.

  • Kenbunshoku Haki (Color of Observation): He was capable of sensing the Haki coming from Enma and sensed the "voices" of the supernovas in the wake of his and Big Mom's combined attack which enabled him to tell they were still alive.
  • Busōshoku Haki (Color of Armaments): Kaido is an immensely powerful user of Busoshoku Haki, which he is capable of imbuing into his kanabo. His Busoshoku Haki was strong enough to damage Luffy who hardened both of his arms. He is capable of utilizing the advanced application of projecting his Busoshoku Haki out from his kanabo, allowing him to strike opponents many meters in front of him with devastating power without the need to make direct contact. His Haki was so strong that Law couldn't effect him with his Room ability.
    • Kongo Kabura: An attack used by Kaido where he swings forward Hassaikai to launch a long-ranged, projectile-like shockwave at an opponent. When first used against Yamato, the attack proved powerful enough to violently blow away the latter in their hybrid form, despite Yamato blocking the attack. In the Viz manga, this attack is called Vajra Arrow.
  • Haōshoku Haki (Color of the Conquering King): Kaido's proficiency with this power is immense, his showcase of his conquering haki was displayed when he clashed with Big Mom on Onigashima producing an immense haki clash that shook Onigashima and split the heavens, it could even be seen far away from the island. Most notably, Kaido is one of the few powerful individuals able to imbue their Haoshoku Haki into objects such as his kanabo, which is signified by thin lightning-like streams of dark energy emanating from the imbued areas. This imbuement allows him to dramatically increase his attack power as a supplement to his natural physical strength and Busoshoku Haki.
    • Raimei Hakke: Kaido charges toward his opponent at great speed, swinging Hassaikai horizontally, one-handed or two-handed to strike them with devastating force. The attack is so fast that, even after seeing the future, Luffy was only half-successful in dodging it. Additionally, Kaido can imbue his kanabo with both Haoshoku and Busoshoku Haki for the attack, which causes a visible trail of dark lightning to exude from the weapon. When first used against Luffy in his Boundman state, the attack knocked him unconscious in one hit. The Viz Manga calls the attack Thunder Bagua.
    • Kosanze Ragnaraku: An attack performed by Kaido in his Human-Beast Form. Wielding Hassaikai two-handed, he jumps into the air and quickly spins his weapon above his head as he imbues it with Haoshoku Haki, making it exude black lightning. He then, while descending, swings his club down with great force, smashing his foe into the ground. The move's first demonstration came against Luffy, who took the blow straight on and was knocked out by it. The Viz manga calls the attack Conquerer of Three Worlds Ragnaraku.

Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu: Kaido ate a Devil Fruit referred to as a Mythical Zoan type, which is an immensely unique type of Zoan Devil Fruit said to be even rarer than Logia. It allows Kaido to transform into a hybrid and full version of an Azure Dragon at will. As with all Zoans, the user's transformation significantly boosts their physical abilities in addition, the user can create and control various elements as a dragon in both forms and has the ability to conjure Flame Clouds with which the user can travel through the air by using them as footholds, effectively enabling flight or use them to lift up other structures.

  • Bolo Breath: Kaido's most frequently seen attack, which has him gather fire inside his mouth before "breathing" it out into a huge, conical blast toward his target of choice. This blast travels rapidly and is extremely powerful. It can instantly decimate large structures like a castle's ruins while surrounding terrain like mountains are blown to bits. When used in his human-hybrid state, Kaido's Bolo Breath is much smaller in scale. In the Viz manga the technique is called Blast Breath.
  • Kaifu: An attack where Kaido blows strongly, thereby creating powerful crescent wind blades that can easily cut through solid stone as well as human bodies. The move was first seen being used in Kaido's fight against the Nine Red Scabbards on the roof of Onigashima's Skull Dome, severing Kikunojo's left arm, but was not named until Kaido used it against the Worst Generation members on the same roof. Denjiro described the wind blades as kamaitachi (かまいたち?), a Japanese term for cutting whirlwind derived from the yōkai Kamaitachi. The Viz translation of the attack is Demolition Gust.
  • Tatsumaki: Kaido spins his serpentine body into a coil to summon several tornadoes around him. Because of their wind speed, these tornadoes can pull people away from the ground and within Kaido's range in midair, where he may chomp down on them. The technique was first seen in use against the Worst Generation members on the Skull Dome's roof. It was effective in capturing a defenseless Monkey D. Luffy, but Roronoa Zoro was able to neutralize it with his own Kokujo: O Tatsumaki technique. The name of the attack is the Japanese word for "tornado" (竜巻 tatsumaki), but with the kyūjitai of the "dragon" (龍) kanji instead of the shinjitai (竜). In the Viz translation, the technique is called Dragon Twister.
    • Tatsumaki Kaifu: An attack that combines Tatsumaki and Kaifu. Kaido spins the lower portion of his elongated dragon body at great speeds, simulating a tornado himself. He then blows crescent wind blades towards his own spinning body, making the blades fly unpredictably in various directions. This move was first seen being used in Kaido's fight against the Worst Generation. The Viz manga calls the attack Dragon Twister Demolition Breath.


Notable Victories:

Big Mom (One Piece) Big Mom's Profile (Speed was equalized)

Whitebeard (One Piece) Whitebeard's Profile (Prime Whitebeard was used, the battle took place at floating Onigashima)

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


How To Clean Seiryu Stone


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